made まで

Particle meaning: untill, to, (from...) through, up to, as far as, before

1. after noun expressing temporal/spatial/quantitative limit
Kayoubi kara doyoubi made ryokou ni ikimasu.
I'll be travelling from Tuesday through Saturday.
Jimusho wa raishuu no suiyoubi made shimatte imasu.
The office is closed through next Wednesday.
Kyouto made no kippu o ni mai kudasai.
Give me two tickets for Kyoto, please.
Toukyou made shinkansen de ikimasu.
I'm going as far as Tokyo on the shinkansen.
Ni juu go peeji made yonde kudasai.
Please read up to page twenty five.
Kono kuruma wa go nin made noremasu.
This car can hold up to five persons.

2. After dictionary form of verb
Ame ga yamu made kissaten de yasumimashou.
Let's take a rest in the coffee shop until it stops raining.
Tsugi no densha ga kuru made juu go fun aru.
There are fifteen minutes until the next train comes.
-> See also: kara, made ni

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