Dakara だから
Conjunction meaning: so, and so, that’s why,
therefore, because
1. At beginning of sentence
<Jiko ga
atta sou desu ne.> <Ee, dakara okuremashita.>
<I heard there was an accident.> <Yes, that’s
why I was late.>
2. After dictionary, ta-, or nai-form of
verb/adjective + no/n
Ashita wa hayaku okiru n dakara mou nenasai.
Go to bed now because you have to get up early
Otousan wa mou itta n dakara anata mo hayaku ikinasai.
Your father has already gone so you should hurry and
go too.
3. After (adjectival) noun + na + no/n
Anata wa gakusei na n dakara motto benkyou shinakute
wa ikemasen.
Because you are a student you have to study more.
Japanese for Beginners