o を
Particle expressing: the direct object of a verb, the starting point of an action,Appoint of separation (from), a place where something or somebody is betting (through, alone, in, in across, over)
1. After direct object of verb
「何を買ったんですか。」 「珍しい切手を買いました。」
“Nani o katta n desu ka.” “Mezurashii kitte o kaimashita.”
“What did you buy?” “ I bought some unique stamps.”
Watashi wa maishuu kan tomu ni nihongo o oshiete imasu.
I teach Japanese futon once a week.
Kanojo wa watashi ni tanaka-kun to yobimasu.
She calls me tanaka-kun.
Doko ka de saifu o toraremashita.
I had my wallet stolen somewhere.
Minna o odorokaseyou.
I'll surprised everybody.
Natsu yasumi o ryokou shite sugoshimashita.
I Spent My Summer Vacation travelling.
2. after noun expressing place
Kesa wa hachi ji ni ie o demashita.
I left home at 8 this morning.
Kanojo wa sakki heya o dete ikimashita.
She went out of the room a short while ago.
Shinkansen wa mou kyouto o tsuuka shimashita.
The shinkansen already passed through Kyoto.
Kono touri wo massugu ni itte kudasai.
Please go straight along this street.
Futsukame no kado o migi ni magatte kudasai.
Please turn right at the second corner.
Japanese for Beginners